Monday, December 3, 2012

pub business cards

I recently designed business cards for the owners and managers at Dingle House Pub. The cards needed to accommodate a lot of information because they have pub contact info and personal contact info. The owners wanted to showcase a few photos of the pub, inside and out. Here's what we came up with:
Dingle House business cards
[4-color, 3.5" x 2"]

Since I also manage their website and email accounts, I set up a email addresses for everyone that forwards to a personal email account.

Monday, September 24, 2012

mobile website

It seems to be the way things are headed, on a hand-held device in addition to a full-size screens. A current website client came to me for my opinion of a mobile website service trying to get their business. Via Skype, I sat in on a meeting with a sales rep from the company. What they were offering seemed expensive for what my client would get. There was an initial set-up fee plus a monthly fee that equaled what they were paying for their current web services. My big complaint was there was no way to integrate information between the full website I had designed and the mobile website. They were basically 2 separate things that had to be maintained separately. I just knew there would end up being discrepancies between the 2, and if it had anything to do with prices, customers could be very unhappy.

My client decided it wasn't worth the monthly cost, but I knew they were interested in the service. I decided to dedicate some time to seeing if I could navigate the code needed to make a mobile site work. Luckily you can find a lot of information in a Google search. Here's the end result. Check it out on your mobile device at

mobile website for Dingle House

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

flyers and more flyers

Since the spring I've worked on several different flyer projects for Cintas. They have sales representatives all over the country, so often the most cost-effective way for them to distribute these customized flyers is for them to email high resolution pdf files to the reps and have them print the flyers as they are needed on office laser printers.

The first flyer was used to promote custom websites, which they offer to their customers to make the ordering process easier.
Custom Website flyer
[pdf, 8.5" x 11"]

The second flyer featured a selection of shoes available to a certain customer. These flyers could be distributed to individual workers to aid in ordering.
Footwear flyer
[pdf, 8.5" x 11"]

The third pair of flyers featured Flame Resistant clothing and Arc Flash rated safety gear. The sales representatives wanted to be able to customize the flyers with their contact information, so I provided a pdf with an editable region. Each individual rep can open the flyer in Reader and alter the copy in the box on the bottom right.
Flame Resistant Clothing flyer, Arc Flash Safety Gear flyer
[editable pdf, 8.5" x 11"]

This last series of flyers was also sent out as pdfs. They each detail the features of one particular shoe, including safety features.
Shoe Spec Sheets
[pdf, 8.5" x 11"]

Monday, July 30, 2012

pub menus and coupons

These 2 small projects were completed earlier this spring for my Irish pub client. The first is a new seasonal menu to replace the outdated menus I created last fall/winter. I started this project last summer with the first seasonal menu.
Spring Summer 2012
[printed full color; finished size 6" x 14"]
Fall Winter 2011
[printed full color; finished size 6" x 14"]
Summer 2011
[printed full color; finished size 6" x 14"]

The other quick project is a sheet of coupons to be left at the lobbies local hotels. I created an editable pdf so the client can update the sheet themselves in the future with Adobe Reader, print as many as they want on a laser printer and cut them out. By providing a pdf, I can control what parts of the page can be changed, in this case only the copy. If I had created this in a more common program, like Microsoft Word, there was the potential for other aspects of the design being changed.
coupon sheet
[printed full color; finished size 8.5" x 11"]

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

footwear catalog

An old favorite client needed an updated cover and back cover for their annual footwear catalog. The interior pages showing individual shoes are taken from a larger catalog they send every 6 months. They regularly spin off smaller catalogs for certain sections of the catalog, in this case shoes and boots. The front and back covers below were created for the 2012 catalog.

Cintas Footwear 2012 catalog
front and back cover
[printed full color; saddle stitched; finished size 8.25" x 10.125"]

In order to have enough pages to print on its own, we had to add a spread to the inside. The shoe diagram below was created to show common features of the shoes in the interior of the catalog.
Cintas Footwear 2012 catalog
inside spread
[printed full color; saddle stitched; finished size 8.25" x 10.125"]