Tuesday, May 12, 2009

building relationships can lead to more work

The same client from the previous post hired me to create and maintain a website for a time. The first homepage design showcased a piece from her MFA show.

One of the things I love about web design is the dynamic nature of the media. Designs can easily be changed, pages can be easily be altered or added to the site. Below is the second generation of the homepage

The additional pages of the site worked with both generations of the homepage design.

Someone else has been maintaining the site since I left Cincinnati in 2007 and the current design has changed significantly, so I will not post a link to the current site.

The artist started a side venture creating and selling glass beads and small objects, the kind of items you'd find at a local craft fair. She asked me to create a logo for the new business and produce a business card as well as 2 sizes of price/hang cards for use in craft fair booths.

[printed full color, finished sizes 3 1/2"x2" (business card), 3"x3" (earring hang/price card), 3"x1 1/2" (small price card)]

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